Gate Jumping Entry 2024
Please note gate jumping will be taking place in the afternoon of the show in the main ring. This is a limited entry class and will be run on first come first served. Pre-Booking is essential.
Entry fee - £25 including £5 medical fee
Please make payment via BACS transfer with ref GATE ”SURNAME” before submitting entry form.
Account Name: Blakesley Show Ltd
Reference: GATE ”SURNAME”
Sort Code: 55-70-06
Account Number: 76087026
First Prize £350 Second Prize £100 Third Prize £50 Special Prize - A days trail hunting
Competitors must be dressed in full Show Jumping or Hunting attire a crash hat is compulsory and body protector recommended. The aim of the competition is to jump the gate without knocking it down. If it falls you may only continue jumping if you remove one item of clothing! (Crash hats must not be removed.) The winner will be the person to jump the highest gate with the most clothes still on!! *
Any fall of horse or rider in any round will result in elimination from the competition.
Two refusals in any round will result in elimination from the competition.
The gate will start at approximately 3ft (90cm) and will rise each round.
A warm up jump will also be available.
* The judge may eliminate a horse for fatigue or any other issues affecting horse and
rider welfare.